port macquarie to byron bay
Sunday, July 26, 2009 at 9:21PM

After a fairly tardy start due to us staying up and watching the tour, me frigging around with the internet at another unnamed fast food outlet and then some poor navigation on my part, we were on our way to byron bay.

the marina thingy at port macquarie

A fairly uneventful journey except for the ongoing comms issues. we stopped at the big banana in coffs harbour for the obligatory tourist shot, it's big, it's a banana, so why wouldn't you. After that it was lunch in grafton the on to byron.

For those that care about that sort of thing, splendor in the grass is on in byron this weekend so the place is jumpin' so trying to get through the town is a nightmare. I don't know how the locals cope.

We arrived at the lighthouse late afternoon and the light was beautiful and the view was, as always, stunning. So we have achieved one of our goals and that is to get to the eastern most point of the mainland. On the way down from the cape we stopped a wategos beach for a look and a couple of photos. From there it was back into battle with the seemingly endless hordes of people, who all wanted to be in exactly the same place we wanted to be but they were in no real hurry to get there.

looking up to cape byron lighthouse

After what seemed like an eternity in traffic we arrived at my mate craig's house where he and his partner miffy and their kids have very kindly allowed us to stay and have shown us incredible hospitality and generosity for which we are both very, very grateful.

We will need to have an early start tomorrow as it's the last of the really long hauls for a little while and it would be great to get it done in daylight. I seem to say that a bit and so far it hasn't happened. I'm beginning to see a pattern emerging.

For our exact location click on this http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=-28.6392,153.6361&ll=-28.6392,153.6361&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Article originally appeared on 2 BOB Touring (http://twobob.squarespace.com/).
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