victor harbour to swan hill

The sun was shining when we left victor harbour it was however still extremely windy so our decision to abandon the coast road was justified. We were buffeted by stupidly srong cross winds for the first 50km but then we turned east and they became tail winds and all was good.
Our first stop was lameroo for morning tea. There's something about this part of the world and town names lameroo, manangatang, chinkapook and ouyan where had a fantastic lunch of mallee lamb, not sure what mallee lamb is but it was brilliant. So was the vanilla slice that came next, it was so fresh we had to wait for it to be iced.
the mallee deli, home of mallee lamb wrap
the very fresh and very delicious vanilla slice
After that it was on to swan hill where we promptly found a place to stay and had a walk around to see the sights. This is where we found murray the cod who sadly thought it necessary to eat the big fella, they do say live bait is better.
We also found a fantastic place for dinner, a restaurant just out thre front of the motel we are staying in and it is run by international students. The food was wonderful and ridiculously cheap.
tomorrow is a very short day to remark where we intend to hit the wineries.
our exact location:,143.5626&ll=-35.3474,143.5626&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Reader Comments (2)
Mallee lamb is, well lamb grown in the mallee, it's probably a delicacy, a bit like a young version of saltbush mutton. And a fresh snot block, eh? Life is a wonderful place.
Have a great trip home!
one more day to go - yeeehhaaaah spanky - see you tomorrow
make sure you stop drinking in time to ride home legally tomorrow ya hear
lots of love from jessie the yodelling cow girl