16,500km around the western half - 2012


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hawker to tanunda


We left hawker this morning under yet another big blue sky, it was utterly perfect weather for riding. The plan was to head for tanunda with a few stops for coffee and cakes and a bit of sightseeing. We followed the r m williams way, and whoever planned that road was clearly a motorcyclist, it was beyond brilliant, a heavenly mix of hills and curves, set in scenery that was becoming more and more chocolate box with every kilometre. What did strike me, and i had been noticing it for a while, were the number of ruined buildings, i'm guessing farmhouses, that had been dotting the countryside since the oodnadatta track but were now becoming more and more common.

just bone of the many ruins we saw in south australia

We had come from incredibly dry country to get to hawker, and it too was pretty dry, but that changed remarkably quickly. Within about an hour of leaving hawker things started to get greener and some of the creeks actully had water in them. After leaving orroroo, where we had a cracking morning tea, and made friends with the giant red gum, the change in the countryside was marked. Rolling hills checkered with various shades of green broken up by patches of outrageous yellow.

the main street of orroroo

me showing my appreciation of the giant red gum of orroroo

fields of canola

From there it was into the clare valley, which is incredibly lush, for lunch of the worst hamburger we've had so far. We've been to some fly speck towns and had awesome food, this is a reasonably sized place with lots of tourists and crap food. Very disappointing.

We swung past turo to go to a bakery for old times sake for wal, but it had changed hands and also was a little disappointing.

Not so disappointing was the car and motorcycle museum in nuriootpa, which had a great collection of old ariel bikes and chevrolet cars and after a brief wander around to stretch our legs we were on to tanunda. The visitors centre in tanunda were very helpful and pointed us in the direction of the local van park where the very cheerful and helpful staff sorted us out with a unit.

my favourite, the wallace and gromit

After a shower and a change of clothes it was into town in search of beer, food and to catch up with wal's cousin bob. All of which we did in the tanunda hotel where we had great feed a few fine ales and great conversation with bob.

Tomorrow we will visit a few wineries before mooching into adelaide for a few days rest.

our exact location:http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=-34.5307,138.95&ll=-34.5307,138.95&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1


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Reader Comments (2)

Thanks for making me travel so easily from France to Australia. Beautiful photos. You are great! Take care.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterannie

oh bloody hell - it looks (and sounds) totally amazing. I suppose that's good right - having a wonderful time was kind of the point!

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterthe wife

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