16,500km around the western half - 2012


« adelaide to victor harbour | Main | hawker to tanunda »

tanunda to adelaide

We woke to the sound of rain, proper rain, and wind, it was in fact, bloody miserable. But it was the first serious rain we have had all tour so we've done extremely well. After breakfast we donned ther wet weather gear and set off for the first of the wineries which was to be seppeltsfield. Sadly we arrived too early and rathrer than wait for the 45 minutes for them to open wedecided to go to the second winery on the list, penfolds. If that too was shut, then the plan was to hit a bakery, drink coffee and eat strudel. Penfolds however were just opening as we arrived so we went in to have a mooch around.

The women there were very friendly indeed, and after assembling a few odds and sods to buy, we were into the tasting. We essentially went through all the reds on offer, which included bin 28, 389, 407, 707, the special reserve shiraz and cab sav and the port. By this time we were feeling very warm and compfortable and in no great rush to leave. To even things out a bit we also had a coffee. I mentioned that i was lookingng for a particular garlic metwurst and without hesitation they all said linkies butchery in nooriupta. So that's where we went and for me it was some kind of heaven, i found exactly what i was looking for plus a whole lot more.

wal and i with two $200 bottles of wine. all good

me in linkes butcher shop feeling very much like a pig in mud

From linkes we went back through tanunda and stopped for a bite to eat before heading for lindoch amd the house/shop wal's mum grew up in. When we got to lindoch wal found the place pretty quickly and we went into one of the shops, it had been divided into 2 seperate businesses, to have a look around. The woman in the shop started chatting to us and wal mentioned that his grandparents had built the place and that his mother had been born and raised there. The woman then asked wal if he had ever seen this photo and produced a picture of the bulding complete with all of his mother's family and she very kindly allowed him to take the photo and get a copy. This was clearly a great experience for wal.

wal out the front of the shop that his grandparents built in 1929

After this it was time to get on to adelaide as we were due at the bmw dealers at 3.30. Wal managed to navigate us to within 2 streets of the dealership which i thought was very impessive indeed. The guys at the dealers were great and offered to fit my mirror for me while i waited which was fantastic.

That done it was time to go our seperate ways, wal to his family thing and me to a friends place. I hadn't given it any thought prior to this but it was kinda weird riding off in different directions given we have been everywhere together for the last 4 weeks. Wal had given me very good directions to get to where i needed to be and i got there withoput incident.

I was staying at a friends house but they were out of town so i would be lobbing on their cousin mesh and his girlfriend MT who i had never met but are utterly brilliant and made me extremely welcome. They cooked for me and plied me with beer and we spent the evening chatting and playing music. It doesn't get much better really, thanks guys.

the creek that rus through suzie and michael's place

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